There are 2 ways of accessing files stored on the KMSD network when you are offsite.
Method #1
The first is to use your staff laptop (arguably the easiest if this method works for you). When offsite, your laptop automatically attaches back to the KMSD network and should be able to access the network drives the same way it would if you were connected to our network.
You can verify you are connected by clicking the wireless icon in the lower-right corner (by the clock) and then making sure it says “KMSD Connection” - “Connected”
If you see a Red-X on the drives, try double-clicking the disconnected drive. If you don’t see your H drive at all (and “KMSD Connection” is “Connected”) - Log Off your computer and Log On again
Click the start button, then click
Finally, click “Sign Out” When you sign back in, it should map the drives as usual (H: / T:, etc…)
Method #2
1. Go to and login using your network login and password (no no needed). You may also click the “Sign In WIth ADFS” and then enter your username and password.
2. Click "My Files" along the bottom
3. On the left side, you will see “School Network”. Underneath “School Network” - you should see KMCE, KMDE, etc.. depending on what school you are from. Click on that.
4. A list of files / folders will appear. If you wish to download a file to your computer, right-click on them and choose “Download”
Note: Certain files - like Word Documents / Excel Documents will open in a browser preview/editor when you open them.
5. If you download a file, you will need to “Upload” it back when you are finished. This is done by clicking upload and then choosing “Folder” or “File(s)” depending on what you want to upload
6. When done, click the “X” in the upper right to close the application.